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Marketing tips and web hosting news to help your blog or business grow. How to reach your target audience, get them to visit your website, reduce your bounce rate, and convert them to loyal customers.

New Free Site Builder included in our Control Panel

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We are proud to present a brand new, sleek and absolutely newbie-friendly Site Builder, freely included in our #EasierHosting Control Panel. It is designed to help you build super cool, modern-looking websites from scratch with just a few clicks. The new Site Builder is integrated into our Web Hosting Control Panel and you can start[continue...]

Need different PHP-versions for your websites? No problem with us!

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Do you need different PHP-versions for your domains? Say you have a website built with an old version of Joomla, that needs an older PHP-version to function properly, and then of course you have up-to-date WordPress sites and want to take advantage of the much faster performance of PHP 7.4? There are actually not many[continue...]

How to configure WPML for multiple domains on Hepsia shared hosting

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Our shared hosting platform is fully compatible with WPML, and it is very easy to set it up to make different languages show on different domains – even easier than explained in WPML’s own configuration guide. Just follow these simple instructions: Go to Hosted Domains in our hosting control panel If you have not yet[continue...]

Add a free Let’s Encrypt SSL-certificate now with one click! Secure your website today

Now you can add a free SSL-certificate from Let's Encrypt to your website with just a click in our control panel! Just go to the Hosted Domains section, click Edit Domain button, and choose Request Let's Encrypt SSL. Let's Encrypt has been an outstanding success since it's launch in 2016, with more than 20 milion[continue...]

5 steps how to migrate from http to https for WordPress [video]

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After you have got your SSL-certificate, you need to go through these five steps to fully migrate your WordPress website from http to https. Since we are installing our clients SSL-certificates automatically, I'm going to assume that you have got your certificate installed on your domain already. But having the certificate installed on your domain[continue...]

3 Image Optimizers Compared: Smush, Imagify & ShortPixel

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We have tested and compared three popular image optimizing plugins for WordPress: WP Smush, Imagify and ShortPixel. Which one is the best, and what will they cost you if you have lots of images to optimize? Let's sort it out. You probably know by now that site loading speed is more important than ever. 40%[continue...]

10 Doable Steps to Speed Up Your WordPress Website Now

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Did you know that 40% of internet users said that they will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load? That’s of course very bad news for you, if your website is among the many that are slow loading. It is bad not only because you loose those 40% of your visitors.[continue...]

16 Cool Ideas How to Use WordPress Beyond Blogging [Infographic]

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You can use WordPress for so much more than blogging. Today we're sharing an inspiring infographic with 16 cool ideas how to use WordPress for other presentations than just blogging, from a professional resume to a comic strip or your own social media platform. From its early days, WordPress was most know for being a[continue...]

Boost your website’s performance with PHP7.3 #FasterHosting

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Did you know that you can boost your website's enormously simply by switching over to the latest PHP version, PHP 7.3? As you can see in the infographic below, made after benchmark tests by the Zend Performance Team, the performance gain with php7 is between 25-70% depending on the application. Performance gain summary for popular[continue...]

Why your website will load much faster with cloud hosting

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With a fast-loading website, more visitors will stay until they decide to become your clients. Tests have shown that as many as 40 % of visitors abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. So site speed is crucial, primarily for user experience, but also for search engine ranking. Let's see what[continue...]